Vixen | Producer of optics from astronomical telescopes and binoculars
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Normal Compass with Light weight and compact size, indicating Scale of each 2 degree.
This is a device to check the direction of North using a feature of Geomagnetism. In generally, Magnet has N pole and S pole, and has a feature that pull against each other. A needle of compass has same feature as the magnet, namely one needle indicates the North and another indicates the South. On the other hand, the earth has S pole in the North pole and N pole in the South pole. Thus, when we use the compass on the earth, S pole in the north pole and N pole in the south pole pull against each other and then the needle of compass indicates the north.
With an Index for 8 azimuth, each 45 degree (North, Northeast, East, Southeast, South, Southwest, West, Northwest). Also with Scale with each 2 degree. It is usable to check the direction.
34mm Diameter and 10g weight. It is handy type and easy carrying.
Due to a Ring installed, it is possible to attach the strap we can get from a market.
Normal compass C1-34
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