VSD70SS - Compact model inheriting performance of the flagship model VSD90SS

Compact model inheriting performance of the flagship model VSD90SS

The compact VSD makes it easier to take high-quality astronomical photographs
The VSD70SS inherits the excellent total usability from the VSD90SS including ease of post-shooting retouching

Covering a large format as well, extraordinarily sharp, beautiful and uniform star images over the entire imaging field.

Sharp, beautiful, and uniform star images in the center and throughout the corners of not only a full-frame 35mm, but also a large 44x33mm* format camera.
*Up to the full-frame 36x24mm size if an optional reducer is used together.

M42 the Orion nebula and neighbor Horsehead nebula

Exposure time
Total exposure time 60 minutes (5min.x12)
Optical tube unit
PENTAX 645Z (ISO400) 44x33mm large format

M50 and IC2177 (Seagull Nebula)

Exposure time
Total exposure time 55 minutes (5 min.x11)
Optical tube unit
PENTAX 645Z (ISO400) 44x33mm large format

Advantage in adjustment at squaring!
Designed to obtain beautiful star images and stably

Adopt the design that widens out a sharp focus range while staying inside the Airy disc.
It helps in reducing the change in a tint of star colors and collapse of star images on the edges of the image field, even if you missed focusing adjustments little or you failed to put squaring adjustments into a corner precisely.
You get round, crisply sharp, and beautiful stars images over the image field uniformly.

Above: On-axis and off-axis star images, and images in focus and out of focus (Enlarged)

The on-axis star images become enlarged slightly according to the shift of a focal point, but you can see that the stars appear with little distortion or little color change on the corners of the image field.

Abundant image circle illumination with no peripheral dimming

The 55mm image circle ensures more than 90% of the light intensity on the peripheral illumination.
Because the light intensity is uniform over the entire imaging field, you have no compensation for the peripheral dimming at image processing, or you expect to make that image processing easy.

You can see that both the prime focus and the reduced focus ensure around 90% of the light intensity even at the periphery of the full frame. However, in case of DSLR camera, there is a slight reduction in the amount of light at the very periphery due to vignetting by the mount.

High-level astrophotography with rich graduations

With almost no optical vignetting, the VSD70SS keeps sufficient light intensity on the edges of the imaging field, and it allows for minimizing non-axisymmetric flares around bright stars generated by the diffraction of light.
As a result, you can expect astrophotograph of high- level with rich graduations and beautiful star images without collapse over the entire imaging field.

M81, M82 and NGC3077

Exposure time
Clear 5 min x 8, R/G/B 5 min. each x 4 (Gain 0), Hα 5 min. x 4 (Gain 100)
Total exposure time
120 min.
Optical tube unit
ZWO ASI183MM Pro (CMOS sensor temp. -20℃) 1 inch type (13.2 x 8.8mm), ZWO EFW 8x1.25″ (31mm), Baader Planetarium Clear R/G/B/Hα filter

Around ηGem

Exposure time
L 5 min. x 4 (Gain 0), R/G/B 5 min. each x 3 (Gain 100)
Total exposure time
65 min.
Optical tube unit
VSD70SS with reducer V0.71x
ZWO ASI6200MM Pro (CMOS sensor temp. -10℃) full-frame (36 x 24mm), Starlight Xpress SXUFW-UM50.8, Baader Planetarium L/R/G/B filter

Near the M78 nebula

Exposure time
L 5 min. x 6 (Gain 0), R 5 min. x 2, G/B 5 min. each x 3 (Gain 100)
Total exposure time
70 min.
Optical tube unit
VSD70SS with reducer V0.71x
ZWO ASI6200MM Pro (CMOS sensor temp. -10℃) full-frame (36×24mm), ZWO EFW 5x2", Baader Planetarium L/R/G/B filter

Question Mark Nebula

Exposure time
L 5 min. x 4 (Gain 0), R/G/B/Hα 5 min. each x 4 (Gain 100)
Total exposure time
100 min.
Optical tube unit
VSD70SS with reducer V0.71x
ZWO ASI6200MM Pro (CMOS sensor temp. 10℃) full-frame (36×24mm), ZWO EFW 5x2", Baader Planetarium L/R/G/B/Hα filter