Vixen | Producer of optics from astronomical telescopes and binoculars
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Vixen SDP Focal Reducer 0.8x
Focal Reducer for SDP65SS
Vixen Telescope SDP65SS Optical Tube Assembly
Compact astrograph! Much more accessible closer to the high perfor...
Vixen Magnifier Eye Loupe D22
A hand-free magnifying glass used to place around eye!
Vixen Telescope Focal Reducer V0.71x
Focal reducer with two ED lenses for high performance that is dedic...
Vixen Telescope VSD70SS Optical Tube Assembly
Very compact model inheriting the ease of use and excellent perform...
Vixen Telescope Wireless Unit
Control telescope with smartphone
Vixen Telescope SX2 Equatorial Mount WL
Comfortable automatic slew celestial objects with smartphone
Vixen Telescope SXD2 Equatorial Mount WL
Deluxe type of the equatorial mount with wireless unit
Vixen Telescope SD115SII Optical Tube Assembly
115mm aperture SD apochromatic refractor introducing a new spacer r...
Vixen Telescope SD103SII Optical Tube Assembly
103mm aperture SD apochromatic refractor introducing a new spacer r...
Vixen Binoculars ARTES J HR10x42WP
Genuine binoculars made in Japan that succeed the Vixen's flagship ...
Vixen Binoculars ARTES J HR8x42WP
Vixen Binoculars ATERA II H14x42 (Black)
Catch the emotion in a live concert by viewing through binoculars f...
Vixen Binoculars ATERA II H12x30 (Charcoal)
Vixen Telescope VSD Tube Ring 115S
A high quality tube ring for the VSD90SS optical tube unit. Applic...
Vixen Telescope VSD90SS Optical Tube Assembly
A five-group-five-element Astrograph with fast focal ratio. A flag...
Vixen Telescope VSD90SS Carry Case
Dedicated carry case for the VSD90SS optical tube assembly
Vixen Binoculars ATREK Light II BR8x30WP
Typical but compact 'Porro prism' binoculars combined with a tradit...
Vixen Binoculars ATREK Light II BR6x30WP
Vixen Anti-reflection Filter for Multi Monoculars
A filter that works for removing reflection, with a rubber tip for ...
Vixen Multi Monocular Microscope Stand
Attach the Multi monocular H for use as a handy microscope.
Vixen Multi Monocular H8x20
A must-have item for use in museums and exhibitions.
Vixen Multi Monocular H6x16
Vixen Multi Monocular H4x12
Vixen Binoculars ATERA II ED H16×50WP(BLACK BROWN)
The field of sight held by hand is high quality! The model with ED...
Vixen Telescope Lens Heater 380-12V
The lens is fogged up and over. A must item for outdoor photography...
Vixen SXP2 Equatorial Mount WL
The summit of the SX series of equatorial mounts with excellent acc...
Vixen Binoculars ATERA II H10x21 (Greige)
Vixen SD81SII Optical Tube Assembly
Vixen's standard "photo-visual" SD apochromatic refractor with a ha...
Vixen Loupe Miracolo Loupe R80